Health Benefits Of Warbugia Ugandensis/ Mukuzza Nnume Anti-bacterial Anti-Fungal Antioxidant and Anti-Inflammatory properties Antiplasmodial Antifeedant and antimycobacterial properties Antileishamanial

Health Benefits Of Warbugia Ugandensis/ Mukuzza Nnume Anti-bacterial Anti-Fungal Antioxidant and Anti-Inflammatory properties Antiplasmodial Antifeedant and antimycobacterial properties Antileishamanial
HEALTH BENEFITS OF MORINGA: English name:Drumstick/ the miracle tree BOTANICAL Name; Moringa Oleifera -protecting and nourishing skin and hair
English name: Malbar nut BOTANICAL Name: Justicia adhatoda Its a plant people use the leaf to make medicine. Health
BOTANICAL Name: Cupressus Sempervirens Health benefits It has antiseptic,Anti-spasmodic,Antibacterial, Hemostatic,hepatic,Vasoconstriction and Anti-Rheumatic properties. -Antiseptic n Anti-Microbial Agent -Rich in
Treats Enlarged prostate Fights cancer cells Enhances vitality and Sexual power in men Treats Urinary tract disorders Treats and