Treats indigestion Relieves on constipation Leaky Gut and Heamorrhoids works on weigh loss Supports your liver,kidney,spleen and gallbladder
Treats: Dry cough Colds and flue Chronic coughs Hacking coughs Whooping coughs Asthma Freshens breath
Stops one from taking Alcohol and cigarette ( Anti-Alcohol and Anti-Ciggarete formula)
Anti-baldness Alopecia Patchy bald spots Reduces hair thinning Increase shine
Collagen crem is an annti-ageing supplement Reduces wrinkles Promotes skin glowing Prevents acne Relaxes skin tissues Improves skin health
Indications Labia Elongation -Supports vagina cheeks -Repairs vagina walls -Improves libido
Revomes grey hair For both men and women 100% natural INDICATIONS -Hair colouring pomade which gradually turns grey